Thursday, June 28, 2007

baby blanket 6-28-07

baby blanket 6-28-07
Originally uploaded by saintlex
I am almost done!! :) Just a few more inches to go.

Here's a close-up pic of the pattern:

blanket pattern close-up


Anonymous said...

I really like it, it's so pretty. And it looks flawless. Great job. What stitch pattern is that? I couldn't quite tell but it looks like some sort of puff stitch or bobble?

Deneen said...

Is that a Bubbles?

Lex said...

Nope, it's actually from the pattern for a hooded baby blanket from the Lion Pound of Love yarn label. It looks like a Bubbles, though, doesn't it?! I hope they didn't steal your pattern, Deneen!

Lex said...

Thanks, April! :) I'm not sure what the stitch name is.

Deneen said...

Ah, you can't steal a stitch-no copyrights on those.